Plant-Based Cookbook...Well Kind Of
A no bullshit approach to making plant-based eating delicious and enjoyable whether you’re all out vegan or a meat lover just looking to incorporate more plants into your diet.
Plant-Based Cooking...Well Kind Of takes you through the individual health scares that motivated Calie & Nic to give the plant-based lifestyles a try. While it took Calie 3 tries and many years to evolve to eating completely plant-based; Nic made the decision overnight and stuck to it. If they can do it - so can you. Your journey will be unique, but their journeys will inspire you and remind you that it doesn’t have to be so serious. Just have fun with it!
Whatever your goal, whatever your path, Calie and Nic’s recipes and kitchen tips make eating more plants easy, appealing and - honestly - fun! Their hilarious banter, unbiased rating of each other’s recipes and mix and match pairing system will help you discover your soon to be kitchen favorites with minimal hassle and maximum flavor.
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SuperFoods From A-Z
Superfoods From A-Z is a fun, easy to use cookbook for kids and their parents. It provides 26+ (one for each letter of the alphabet) plant-based recipes that are kid friendly along with basic nutrition lessons that read like a children's book instead of a science book.
While this eBook won’t guarantee that your child learns to love vegetables or chooses broccoli over chicken nuggets. It will introduce you and your kids to healthy new foods they might not try otherwise; clear up misconceptions about familiar health foods; and provide creative tips and tricks for introducing super nutritious options to your family.
At the very least, you’ll come out with some new family favorites, learn a little more about how to fuel your body (and your kids) and teach them to try new things. Calie's oldest son discovered he loved blueberries in the creation of this book and her youngest son discovered he’s a fan of raw onion…explain that one? So, you really never know until you try. Don’t assume a food isn’t kid friendly. Let them decide.
The recipes that follow don’t include exotic, hard to find ingredients like blue algae or reishi mushrooms. Although, those are both great superfoods. They do include a wide variety of healthy, real foods that will help you crowd out the less energizing and nutrient poor choices as you replace them with foods that help you grow a strong, healthy family and gut!